What's left of Cairo, IL. I've been waiting for the right day to shoot here for two years. I wanted an ominous, stormy sky to accompany the deserted downtown.
Today I found a lens I lost when I moved to the city a couple years ago! It's the notorious Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 D!! This lens has been making the top 10 list for best Nikon lenses ever made since it's release in 1986. It's thought to be one of, if not THE sharpest lens Nikon ever produced, and it's incredibly fast!
Ryan Walters | St. Louis Portrait + Commercial Photographer
My first studio was located on the top floor of the Pierce Arrow building in the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis. Stark white walls, white concrete floors and an eastern wall consisting of industrial windows about 8 ft x 12 ft. My brother and I spent three days painting the ceiling matte black and the natural light was incredible. I miss that space.
Ryan Walters | St. Louis Portrait + Commercial Photographer
Ryan Walters | St. Louis Portrait + Commercial Photographer
I'm shooting this series for one reason; it fascinates me. I find the images interesting and compelling. I want to depict the hands as though they are stone sculpture, and the stark black and white allows the form and negative space to come together.
Ryan Walters | St. Louis Portrait + Commercial Photographer
pelican pier
Ryan Walters | St. Louis Photographer + Cinematographer
Ryan Walters | St. Louis Portrait + Commercial Photographer